Sunday, May 28


We hosted the 11th annual Awake Conference with our largest attendance post-Covid. So many students came forward to receive prayer for healing and calling on their lives. We’re believing their lives will never be the same because of what God did that weekend!


  • 3 New Classrooms
    • Through Kingdom Builders, we were able to fund the last of the classrooms and it is almost done! Our team in June will paint it, and it will be used as the preschool classroom. 
  • Pen Pal
    • We launched a pen pal program with the Bridge Christian Academy this fall. We are excited to continue to connect with our mission partners at The Bridge Christian Academy by encouraging the teachers and students


On Friday, February 10, we hosted Night to Shine, a prom for people with special needs sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. Our Dream Team welcomed and spent the evening with 84 amazing honored guests and 16 parents and caregivers. Our honored guests and their buddies filled The Hub with joy and energy, singing karaoke and dancing the night away.


In March, we sent 15 people to Chinadega, Nicaragua to serve with Amigos for Christ. They served in the community of Mayocunda digging a trench for a water line and were able to be a part of a water celebration in the community of Las Palmas, where because of the love of God, a community has clean running water for the first time.


This past Easter we opened the new Centerville facility! We are so excited to have a permanent space to grow in Bridge Kids, Sunday services, small groups, tribes, and more!


Recently we acquired a midweek space in Fairfield! This space primarily houses small groups and tribes!


In March we hosted an interest meeting for the new campus. We had 126 people in attendance-mostly Osky people! Then in April we hosted a popup service and had 222 people come, with over 17 families joining us as new guests. The city of Oskaloosa is hungry for a church like the Bridge in the community. We are excited for what’s ahead!


  • Kona
    • We were able to bless 6 of our Cambodian mission partners by sending them to a conference in Kona. There they gathered with 150+ other key leaders from all across the world to strengthen the global movement of the gospel into the next generation and develop strategic partnerships with other YWAM bases across the globe. 
  • Trip Team - Jan
    • Pastor Marty and a few other leaders traveled to Cambodia to teach at their DTS and encourage the leaders.

In March Bridge Kids focused on Making A Difference! They raised $827 to donate to the Cornerstone Learning Center in Cambodia where many of our mission partners' children and other local children go to school.


Over 60 people helped 2 families in our church that experienced storm damage. 


In 2022, we partnered with Reaching Indians Ministries International (RIMI) to build a well in an underserved area. On December 4, 2022, they celebrated the building of a  Borewell in Kadamdin Tangartoli, Jharkhand, India.  A local pastor has been traveling to this community and sharing the gospel and identified the need for clean water.  Through your generosity, we installed a Borewell and over 300 people will have access to clean water! Pray that they will be able to plant a house church in this village and for the people of Kadamdin to be receptive to the Gospel. 


In May, we gave away shoes to students in three different communities, totaling more than 500 kids. 



  • Upcoming trips
    • This summer we have 6 people going to Uganda, 37 going to Yucatan, and 36 going to Baja. Registration for our student trips are open for Nashville and Motion Conference. 
  • Fall stateside trips
    • We are preparing for a few fall trips to new ARC church plants. We can’t wait to bring joy and support fellow churches as they launch!
  • 2024 
    • Our 2024 trip calendar is taking form. We plan on going to Cambodia, Baja, Yucatan, Nicaragua, and Uganda.
    • We are looking forward to providing opportunities for students to attend Kingdom Builders trips, as well as the Motion Student Conference in Birmingham, Alabama. These trips continue to be pivotal in the faith of our students!


We have 8 people joining us this summer for an internship! Our 2023 Summer Staff is  exploring a ministry calling by receiving hands-on experience alongside a staff member who works in an area of their gifting.


We are excited for the launch of our 4th Bridge campus in Oskaloosa! We have purchased the old ATPIC mall on the east side of Osky and plan to meet in the old Slumberland. We are planning to host our soft launch on August 6, with a grand opening planned for September 10. 


We are actively exploring options for a facility that would allow us to set an environment of worship, teaching, and excellent kid space for Sunday mornings. 


We have amazing Dream Teamers who are already working on purchasing and bagging socks & underwear for the Christmas Store. We are excited to add Oskaloosa this year and will have 4 locations for the Christmas Store.