Service Times:
8:00, 9:30 + 11:00am at 133 W 2nd St.
Campus Pastor: Jacob Wilson (jacob@thebridgechurch.cc)

Service Times:
9:00 + 10:45am at 1005 N 18th St.
Campus Pastor: Tommy Wilkins (tommy@thebridgechurch.cc)


Service Times:
9:00 + 10:30am at 404 Fillmore Ave.
There will be no services on Sunday December 8Campus Pastor:
Craig Zuithoff (craig@thebridgechurch.cc)
Service Times:
9:00 + 10:30am at 1701 3rd Ave. E
Campus Pastor:Darik Kooistra (darik@thebridgechurch.cc)
What to Expect
The Bridge Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in a life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.
You can expect to feel welcomed and accepted. We know that visiting a new church can be a little intimidating. We will not embarrass you, make you stand up, bug you for money, or ask you to do anything else you feel uncomfortable with. Come dressed as you are, expect high energy worship, and prepare to hear the message of Jesus presented in a creative and relevant way.
You can expect to feel welcomed and accepted. We know that visiting a new church can be a little intimidating. We will not embarrass you, make you stand up, bug you for money, or ask you to do anything else you feel uncomfortable with. Come dressed as you are, expect high energy worship, and prepare to hear the message of Jesus presented in a creative and relevant way.